Triple Bottom Line


The value of Isler CPA depends on the talent, integrity, commitment, and creativity of its people. We hire top candidates that share our philosophy and desire to excel. We provide outstanding opportunities for professional growth by offering outstanding continuing education and engagement responsibility - at a pace that matches your talent and ambitions with the demands of our business. Our family-friendly practices have been recognized by Families in Good Company, City of Eugene, and Oregon Business Magazine. Meet Our Team



As part of Isler's commitment to the Triple Bottom Line, it has embarked on several initiatives relating to environmental sustainability practices including:

  • Asking 50 hours of community service from employees every year
  • Participated in EWEB Energy Saving program
  • Retrofitted and upgraded HVAC and lighting systems
  • Converted to paperless audit documentation system
  • Recycling stations installed throughout the office
  • Janitorial service instructed to use sustainable earth cleaning products
  • Installed solar electric system on the roof of our office
  • First Eugene CPA firm to participate in LTD's Group Pass Program

Isler CPA has been recognized for its community service, sustainability efforts, and family-friendly employment practices. In September 2007, Isler CPA was recognized by Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy for taking "Bold Steps to Sustainability." Isler has taken several steps to contribute energy, expertise, and credibility to the Mayor's Sustainable Business Initiative including:(a) purchasing LTD passes for every employee; (b) offering monetary incentives for employees using alternative transportation; (c) installing a 28 KW solar electric system; (d) creating a sustainability committee; and, (e) moving towards paperless environment and duplex printing on post consumer paper from a regional producer. The solar system has substantial environmental impacts - over its lifetime the system is expected to save/offset an equivalent amount of energy as 800 tons of CO2, 83,200 gallons of gasoline, or 2,400 trees.


The Triple Bottom Line philosophy cannot work without a solid financial foundation. Isler CPA has been serving clients in the Western United States for many decades. The goal of our firm is to offer the highest quality auditing and accounting, tax, and management advisory services available. Throughout its entire history, Isler has experienced successful, profitable growth in its public accounting practice. Our sustainable business practices include:

  • Local employer for over 65 years
  • Compete for best employees by paying competitive compensation and benefits
  • Provided training for key financial positions in business and government
  • Fund a scholarship awarded by the U of O accounting department
  • Two scholarships awarded by the Shedd Institute of Music School
  • Active in Junction City, Cottage Grove, Springfield, and Eugene Area Chambers of Commerce
  • Provided over $125,000 in direct and indirect community support annually
  • Discounted auditing and accounting services to local nonprofit organizations
  • Engaged Good Company and Advanced Energy Systems to implement sustainable practices for our firm and our clients
  • Continuing Title Sponsor of The Shedd's Now Hear This Concert Series
Rosemary   Brady, CPA
Of Counsel

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