Forensic Accounting

A growing challenge for many organizations is the protection of its resources and income from acts of fraud and wrongdoing. To be effective, a forensic accountant must have extensive experience in the fields of audit and accounting.  Our professionals in this area may work as an independent expert to conduct an examination, render an opinion, and if necessary, provide expert testimony.  Because of their in-depth experience, they are also called upon to review business' accounting systems and, make recommendations as to how the system of internal controls and internal checks can be improved to prevent theft and fraud.

Alfred   Tan, CPA
Senior Staff Accountant

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How To Be A Fearless Networker

Here are some networking tips you can put to use when you feel intimidated.   Read More

Prevent Burnout By Making Compassion A Habit

Although stress is on the rise, some people don’t get burned out. They continue to thrive despi...  Read More

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